Days of Our Lives for Friday, February 8 promise a day of fighting back and romantic moments for your Salem favorites. Chad is one desperate dad and poor Ben feels the brunt of his fury! You won’t want to miss a moment of this edge-of-your-seat episode!
Chad is a mess wondering where his infant daughter could possibly be. He knows he has to get her back to her mother no matter what and his desperation leads him to one place.
Of course Chad believes that the only other person besides Stefan who could have taken his daughter would be his henchman and the man who once terrorized their lives Ben.
So, Chad lashes out at Ben… but will he go too far? Also, does he actually accomplish anything considering that Ben didn’t do what Chad thinks he did? Charlotte isn’t the only one missing. Ciara, finally rising to the level one would expect from the daughter of Hope and Bo Brady, attempts to trick her captor.
(We mean the former Hope here. Not the one married to Rafe. The one married to Bo who wouldn’t take advantage of her position as police commissioner and abuse her power. THAT Hope.)
She has the motivation and the smarts to succeed but will she be able to trick Jordan into untying her, let alone letting her go? Or, will she have to wait for someone to rescue her? Meanwhile, Charlotte’s grandfather decides to be a dad to his poor daughter. Jack tries to reach out to Abigail, but nothing ever seems to go easy for Jack.
Will his presence be too much for Abby when she fears for her daughter’s life, or will seeing her father be exactly what the doctor ordered?
Meanwhile, Jack’s son and Abby’s brother seems to be blissfully unaware of the tragedy that is unfolding at Abby’s. Instead, JJ and Haley continue to grow closer. They already have music in common and JJ has shown an interest in trying to help Haley in any way that he can.
Perhaps it is that kindness that leads to these two sharing their first kiss! Though her son doesn’t want her there, Diana Cooper is in Salem and ready to cause a ton of drama on Days of Our Lives. The only reason she came to Salem in the first place was because John and Will Horton. They want Leo away from Sonny Kiriakis, and thought she could take Leo far away.
Of course, it looks like things may have greatly backfired for Will and John Black. After Diana came to town, John quickly realized that he had a past with her. This could definitely cause some trouble for his and Marlena Evans’s finally stable marriage.
Plus, she might not even get Leo Stark away from his new husband Sonny. While the two very obviously don’t like each other, Diana may still be inclined to side with her son. She didn’t like when she heard Will and Sonny tried to kill Leo on Days of Our Lives. However, Leo could get so upset with his mom that there’s no telling what he might do.