The Bold and the Beautiful, spoilers On the Wednesday, November 20 episode of tease that Carter tries to change the Forresters’ minds about firing Hope but to no avail. Then, he forcefully presents Ridge with another idea. Is it legitimate, and will Ridge consider it? Stay tuned to find out.
Carter and Hope have a plan in their pocket for revenge against Forrester Creations. Still, Carter remains a little conflicted. After all, Ridge is supposed to be his best friend. Carter tries yet again to bring Hope back into the fold at Forrester, but Ridge says it’s a done deal.
Then, Carter discusses another case for the company with Ridge. Is this a real concern, or is Carter trying to get Ridge’s signature as part of his duplicitous master plan? Hope and Carter were swept away by the idea of taking over Forrester Creations.
Tricking Steffy and Ridge into signing over the company to Carter was simply intoxicating. Later, Carter questioned whether this was the right thing to do. However, Hope reassured him and insisted that this was the only way to get what they deserved.
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