People in Taylor Hayes’ circle won’t look at Reese Buckingham with raised eyebrows at first. He comes across as a successful doctor, but that’s about to change. Steffy Forrester did mention to her mother that she’s vulnerable right now. Furthermore, she suggested Taylor take things slow.
Taylor Hayes missed the Bold and the Beautiful Christmas Eve dinner at the Forresters. So where was she during the holiday event? Did she take Reese up on his offer to spend some time with him during the holiday?
First of all, once Taylor found out that Hope banned her from Christmas, she is probably even more vulnerable than before. That means she’s ripe for the picking if Reese has her in his scope for his latest ploy.
That mysterious man lurking about seems to scare Reese Buckingham. Does this mean he is about to put Taylor in danger? It looks like this is one possibility lining up for her on The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers.
Reese’s past scams had to do with women, which brings on another possibility. Bold and the Beautiful fans haven’t seen enough of him yet to know just how low he will go. With that said, if he does convince Taylor she can trust him what will she tell him?
Things get more complicated this week
Another possibility could come into play if Taylor believes Reese is trustworthy enough to confide in him. She might just tell him what Brooke Logan is holding over her head. If she does that, she’d be a sitting duck for a blackmailing scheme.
Reese looks slick enough so that if he did concoct a blackmail scheme he’d do it anonymously. He’d make sure Taylor wouldn’t know he’s behind it. One way or another it looks like Reese is up to no good.
It also appears that Reese has Taylor in his sights for his latest scheme. She just cannot afford another emotional event in the unstable state she’s in. Will she be the next victim for this doctor who came across the pond to make a new start in life?
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