Best 5 Powerful The Asterisk War Characters

The Asterisk War was one of the biggest action harem series in recent years. Being one of the relativity few shows to get more than a 12 episode run, we saw the plot develop into something you can really get your teeth into, as well as some truly epic fights during the Phoenix Festa. Although the kind of show that some just love to hate, The Asterisk War definitely justified its place on the anime chart once it got the ball rolling. So whether it be by brains or brawn, we’ve put together a list of the top 5 most powerful Asterisk Wars characters for you to enjoy.

1. Orphelia Landlufen

Orphelia Landlufen

Orphelia Landlufen

Recently presented, Ophelia Landlufen is Julis’ cherished companion, in spite of the fact that she’s changed a great deal since those occasions. Orphelia turned into a Strega in the wake of being dependent upon human experimentation, leaving her the shell of an individual that she shows up as now, with powers she ought to never have had. Albeit beautiful, with a cool pale skinned person appearance, Orphelia normally holds a dismal articulation, or none by any means, likely because of her grievous conditions.

The experimentation performed on Orphelia left her with a mind blowing measure of prana, even contrasted with Ayato, which means her crude force alone is crazy. She battles by controlling miasma, permitting her to make hands that basically win her fights for her. What’s more, anything she contacts, herself or with her miasma, erodes, making her unfit to contact anything living in case she unintentionally murders it.

2. Ayato Amagiri

Amagiri Ayato

Amagiri Ayato

Nonsensically fortunate with the women, Ayato Amagiri is the collection of mistresses lead of The Asterisk War, and presently the rank one understudy at Seidoukan Academy. His primary target was initially to locate his missing sister Haruka, nonetheless, from that point forward his companions have given him more motivations to battle and become more grounded. Because of his uncommonly huge prana saves, various seals were set on him by his sister to stop him harming others, or himself. In any case, presently that he’s more established and needs to get more grounded, Ayato has been bit by bit breaking the seals himself with the goal that he can ensure everybody.

Despite the fact that Ayato in no way, shape or form has a simple time against most adversaries, he isn’t just ready to out think most of them yet in addition overwhelm them by discharging his seals. Alongside his bizarrely high default power level, he uses the Ogre Lux “Ser-Veresta” which impeccably supplements his blade battling style after a bit of tweaking.

3. Sylvia Lyyneheym

Sylvia Lyyneheym

Sylvia Lyyneheym

The most notable symbol on the planet, Sylvia Lyyneheym is delightful and smooth too much, so it’s difficult to accept she’s additionally a top level Genestella. Sweet and lively, Sylvia quite often keeps up her expert persona, aside from the short time she goes through with Ayato. In spite of the fact that being a symbol is a major piece of her life now, Sylvia stays as the main most grounded understudy at Queenvail Girls’ Academy.

Sylvia is there one character on this rundown who we still can’t seem to see truly battle, despite the fact that as the top understudy at her foundation, we can accept that she’s in any event on a level like Kirin and Claudia.

4. Claudia Enfield

Claudia Enfield

Claudia Enfield

The all around associated understudy gathering leader of Seidoukan Academy, Claudia Enfield is one of only a handful hardly any characters in the arrangement so far who has been available all through, however who we despite everything know almost no about. Moreover, in spite of the fact that we know she’s in control of an amazing, and honestly boss, twin sharp edge Ogre Lux “Container Dora”, we still can’t seem to see Claudia invest a lot of energy utilizing it. In spite of what seems to be a dismal life away from public scrutiny, Claudia consistently puts on a show of being sprightly, and steady during the remainder of the gathering’s troublesome occasions.

Being the just one of Ayato’s group separated from him to possess an Ogre Lux, we would already be able to accept Claudia is genuinely solid, with her being positioned number two at the institute also. From the occasions we’ve seen her utilization it, Pan-Dora seems to send Claudia into a nearly modified state, with her eyes evolving shading, and for the situation where she assaulted Ayato, losing control of herself.

5. Kirin Toudou

Kirin Toudou

Kirin Toudou

Top overwhelming cutie Kirin Toudou is the blade employing, previous number one at Seidoukan Academy, and most as of late Phoenix Festa accomplices with Saya. Kirin is essentially the most lovable individual from Ayato’s group of concubines, with her unique created outside concealing a handily bothered and anxious little youngster. Subsequent to having her main position took from her by Ayato, Kirin really got more liberated than she’d at any point been, and shockingly enough more grounded too.

The greater part of Kirin’s quality comes just from her inconceivable blade battling ability, making her madly amazing in one on one situations. As you can envision, it’s this sort of ability that gets you to the main situation on the foundation leaderboard, given that position is chosen by duels.




Best 5 Powerful The Asterisk War Characters

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