The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers Friday November 9

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers Friday November 9 promise a day of scheming, investigating, and even romance. Xander makes a stunning move to lay Emma’s insecurities to rest.

He turns up the romance and cranks up the heat by suggesting they take the next step in their relationship. Enough with the easy-breezy dating and awkward flirtations. It’s time to get serious.

This is a huge moment for Emma. She’s falling hard for Xander but it’s all new to her. Will she fall into his arms and let lust sweep her away or put a stop to his advances? Her reaction will shock them both.

Meanwhile, the Spencer office is hopping with action when Bill decides to take a step of his own. He didn’t get what he needed from Brooke, so now it’s time to bring in the big guns. He calls IT genius Ken to do some serious dirty work.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers Friday November 9

Bill wants to know everything about every time Ridge and the judge had contact. All the text, calls, and even secret meetings have to have a trail and he wants it all.

Once he has these secrets in his hands, he’ll be able to nail Ridge, regain shared custody, and put his life back together. Will Ken produce the evidence or did Ridge cover all his tracks? continue reading on the next page —> 

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The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers Friday November 9

B&B, The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers |


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