The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers November 5-9

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers November 5-9

Xander knows he’s on the verge of losing Emma but instead of groveling, he pushes her to her limits. He wants her to prove her love and take the next step in their relationship. Will Emma fall for his ploy or call out his nasty behavior?

Quinn Fuller and Pam Douglas also have a dark side emerge. But these two take it a bit further when they deal with their anger like a couple of crazy people. The battles heat up with Ridge Forrester at Bill’s mercy next week as he discovers that Ridge swayed the judge in the custody case.

Indicate ‘Crazy’ Returns

Two women deemed “crazy” in the past demonstrate that history repeats itself next week. Quinn and Pam up the ante as Pam plans her wedding.

Pam Douglas and Donna Logan, once bitter enemies, now bond over a common cause to bring Quinn down. Pam recruits Donna, who already has Eric Forrester in her sights. The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS.


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The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers November 5-9

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