The Bold and the Beautiful Steffy In Bill’s Grip As He Torments Ridge

The Bold and the Beautiful Steffy accidentally sees Brooke

Bill still considers Steffy the love of his life and with Steffy in his pocket again, will he revert to his old ways? In the meantime, Brooke and Bill get even closer as her marriage to Ridge is on the rocks.

Once Ridge Forrester finds out about Brooke’s involvement with Bill and his custody case, the marriage is on really thin ice. Then when Brooke discovers Ridge swayed the judge she pulls further away from him.

Steffy might show up with her request to spare her father from the law just as Bill and Brooke are on the cusp of rebooting the Brill days. Steffy is bound to make a request to him after seeing her father suffer. She might just approach Bill and ask him to stop tormenting her father by holding the information over his head. But will Bill want something in return?

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. You should not miss this amazing and breathtaking episode. Do not forget to share !!!


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The Bold and the Beautiful Steffy In Bill’s Grip As He Torments Ridge

B&B, The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers |

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