Days of Our Lives Spoilers Next Two Weeks

Days of Our Lives Spoilers Next Two WeeksThis obviously brings about a lot of questions. Does John manage to divorce Hattie in order to officially marry Marlena? Does Hattie let John divorce her without causing a scene? Could Roman tie into any of this, considering Hattie is so gaga over him? Days of Our Lives spoilers revealed that John does ask Roman for help with his Hattie problem. Hattie would probably like to be married to Roman much more than she likes being married to John!

Jarlena is the number one power couple on Days of Our Lives, so it’s about time they get their own happily ever after. While they’ve been a steady powerhouse couple for a while now, they’ve always had something that came in the way of their true happiness. After all, this isn’t the first wedding they’ve had together.

With Jarlena set for a wedding on November 8, will we finally see Jarlena happy and married? Or will something else happen on their wedding day, both of them forever doomed with terrible luck? Kristen is still alive and well, as is Xander. Both could potentially plan some harm if they learn that the two are trying to get married. Both Kristen and Xander thrive on causing trouble.

Once Jarlena gets married (if they officially make it down the aisle together this time successfully), what could happen next for this super couple? Will they quietly settle down into Salem life, leaving their adventures behind them? We have a feeling this is not going to happen. Wherever Jarlena is, drama seems to be only right around the corner.


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Days of Our Lives Spoilers Next Two Weeks

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