General Hospital Spoilers Drew and Jordan have a traffic accident

However, there are other twins who do not suffer from that strange disease. It was a very lucky thing for the two of them. Jason and Drew’s are trying to live well and get used to their fate when they are not as lucky as the others.

Everything was not Drew’s fault, but he’s still regretted it because only because of me, Jordan had a bad thing. Obviously he will also think about how the future ahead of him is to have a better dwarf. Both Anna and Ryan will be taken to the best Hospital and will conduct a general examination.

When everything is ready, both will proceed to receive surgery. But bringing 100% success is not available, it depends on many wills. Drew hoped he would recover quickly and be able to see everything clearly. He hates having to wait for something uncertain when he is gradually living a happy life on Oscar but then things are not like that.

Curtis will monitor every gesture and follow Jordan probably all day to ensure everything. But he will also observe his dear friend. He will not accept all of his responsibilities for this incident.

Maybe Curtis should take his time and concern for both of them, Jordan and Drew because they are very important people in his life he always hoped that Drew’s blindness would soon be cured and also hope that Jordan would get well soon. So that we can continue to live life that not everyone wants to be good and happy.


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General Hospital Spoilers Drew and Jordan have a traffic accident

General Hospital |


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