The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers Next Weeks March 18 – 22, Ubdate

The theories ran rampant a while back that Poppy’s daughter was spawned inside Li Finnegan‘s home. This came up while Finn’s mother reminisced how Poppy Nozawa lived with them at one time.

Li, Finn, and Jack Finnegan were under the same roof around the same time Li’s free-spirited sister became pregnant with Luna. So, if Poppy tells Finn that his father is also Luna’s father, that could be enough to put him over the edge. Or this might even go a step further for John Finnegan. Could he be his cousin’s daddy?

He’s already dealing with the death of his birth mother, who died at the hands of his wife. So this wouldn’t be good. Finn was in college at the time Poppy Nozawa moved in with his family. So, he was a young man.

Another theory has Finn as Luna’s father. A night out with college buddies and overdoing it with alcohol could cause a wrong turn into a bedroom, well… it happens. So, is Finn’s aunt about to tell him that he’s the father? Or is he being targeted as a helper in Poppy’s ploy?


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The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers Next Weeks March 18 – 22, Ubdate

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