The Young And The Restless Spoilers Sharon forgives Rey and the wedding after Mia goes to jail

It can be said that it is also a blessing a good chance that the whole mess will spell forgiveness for Sharon, at least with the most serious allegations.

Something strange happened and it was a very long shot. Of course, if Sharon was acquitted, that meant Rey’s love saved her. However, people still wonder where Rey and Sharon will stand when the whole mess ends? If suppose Sharon was acquitted and all thanks to Rey’s acknowledgment on the stands.

Do the fans have the hope that the two of them will get along? That’s what everyone hopes, but does Rey thinks so? According to Y&R information, he will end his marriage with Mia Rosales after testing the pregnancy without end since he loves Sharon.

What happens after the trial ends? Will she forgive Rey? Although she knew that thanks to Rey’s testimony finally helped her. But it is very likely that she will get annoyed with Rey for using her from the beginning.

Sharon began to realize, with Brittnany’s help, that Rey had infiltrated her life since she was gone, and their whole friendship began as a calculated plan. If Shay ever met, it would probably take a while for Sharon to appear. Do you think Sharon and Rey have a chance to advance? We will provide the latest news in the next episode of the movie.


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The Young And The Restless Spoilers Sharon forgives Rey and the wedding after Mia goes to jail

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