The Young and the Restless Spoilers Wednesday, February 27

The Young and the Restless spoilers Wednesday update February 27

Rey stitches the pieces together and realizes that Mia is the one who pushed Lola into avid pool, thinking that she is Abby. Mia begged him to protect her, reminding him that he promised to always love her. (except when she loves her brother).

Rey instead, was handcuffed (and not in a fund kinky way). He proceeded to arrest his wife, warning that anything she said couldn’t would be kept in court. Mia decided to go ahead and talk. She is pregnant! Yes, Rey will need a bit more evidence of that, but as Mia there? Or, is this the first thing that appears in her addiction in sociology?

Victor is on the road to war when he decides Michael is not a good lawyer to protect the Newman family, while Rey does not believe everything he says. You won’t want to miss the moment of this emotional episode. The best money can buy Victor is always happy to pronounce Michael the best lawyer (he works for Newman’s how can he be apart from the best?) As long as everything happens.

But a small scene – for example, Michael is forced to protect a client who decides to confess but does not prepare him any time – and Victor suddenly has a little passion for his agent.

Why is Nicky still in prison? Why Victoria? Oh, and more, with whatsottaame, instructions for Noah and faith. Why didn’t Michael arrange for them to go for free? Phyllis is walking around. Victor questioned Michael’s strategy. And my ability. And his future job. cotinue reading on the next page —>

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The Young and the Restless Spoilers Wednesday, February 27

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