Days of Our Lives Spoilers Revealed the shocking fate of Jordan’s son

When Diana was accused of poisoning Marlena. She may have collected a bit of Ted’s dirt and this could help Diana escape justice. So she told Ted that seeing his wife alive in France could be something that threatened Ted to easily go to court, but because Judith Chapman had left the program, writers of Days must decide not to follow that path!

But it still left a question about whether his wife died or not, because he had a very caring look on his face! When Ted arrived in Salem he said that he was a widow and his poor wife had died of cancer and he had a son too, but the child died.

But is it true that he said it? And is Jordan in her son Ted’s wife? Looking at the timeline of Ted’s appearance in Salem, which may be appropriate to her baby’s birthplace, further raised doubts about Jordan in her cell being the wife and child Ted said was dead. And Ted knows if his wife is dead or this is a conspiracy.

Although Jorden and Ted have not had any common scenes together before. But maybe in the past,writer Ron could give two people a special relationship with each other. And maybe Jordan had tricked him into thinking he had cancer and cheated all of his money for treatment and then created a play that pretended to die to disappear with his son.

Or maybe Ted had a plot that made him lie that his wife and children were dead. Well, there will be a lot of dramatic situations going on in the coming time so please follow our channel to get the latest information about the program.


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Days of Our Lives Spoilers Revealed the shocking fate of Jordan’s son



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